
govCMS is an open source web content management system hosted on the public cloud. It allows agencies are able to create and manage unclassified websites cost effectively, in compliance with Australian Government standards.

govCMS comes with a range of included services such as support, monitoring and security patching, aimed at ensuring that government websites remain online and available to the public. It's is intended to support more effective web channel delivery functions within government, and enable agencies to redirect effort from non-core activities to activities that are more aligned with core agency missions.

The Government Content Management System (govCMS) is an important service offering for Australian Government agencies. It represents a tangible implementation of the Government's policy for eGovernment and the Digital Economy, which sets the direction to simplify Government ICT and eliminate duplicated activities across agencies by requiring use of shared or cloud services where minimum efficient scale hurdles are not met.

The govCMS website is managed by the Department of Finance. As a central agency of the Australian Government, the Department of Finance (Finance) plays an important role in assisting government across a wide range of policy areas to ensure its outcomes are met, particularly with regard to expenditure, financial management, and the operations of government. For more information visit http://www.finance.gov.au.

Who is using govCMS?


Live websites


In development


Agencies using

Media Enquiries

This media section captures govCMS related media including social and traditional media. Please direct govCMS media enquiries to the govCMS team.

Service partners

Building together the new digital government

At govCMS, our partners make great digital experiences possible by offering services from design to implementation. A list of accredited partners are listed on the Acquia website, govCMS partners page.

Service partners are able to provide the following types of services:

  • Content strategy, user experience design and information architecture design.
  • Website review, design, development and implementation including theming and visual design.
  • Custom module development.
  • Website migration.

To become an Acquia govCMS partner your business will need to be willing to follow an accreditation and on-boarding process. There will be a variety of projects for Australian Government clients ranging in size and complexity, so whatever the size and shape of your business we’d love to hear from you! To find out more visit http://www.acquia.com/govcms.

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